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Introduction to Action Learning 行動學習初探

Developing People and Creating Results Simultaneously

Action Learning 是一個過程,它要求一個小組在處理當下實際的問題時採取行動,並促進個人、團隊和組織學習。這個過程幫助組織發展創新性、靈活性以及成功解決迫切問題的策略。

Action Learning 已經成為全球公司、政府機構和非營利組織的首選方法,因為它們尋求提高質量、降低成本、創造新產品和服務,以及改變其組織文化。從波士頓到巴西,從芬蘭到東京,許多不同的組織,如微軟、三星、陶氏化學、通用電氣、德意志銀行、波音、索迪斯和諾瓦蒂斯等,都在利用 Action Learning 來解決複雜的問題、培養領導者、建立團隊,並擴大企業能力。

「Introduction to Action Learning」課程特別強調團隊教練的重要性,將其視為拓展教練專業領域的關鍵機會。通過學習和應用團隊教練技巧,教練不僅能掌握一種新的實用工具,還能在競爭激烈的教練市場中提升自己的競爭力。這一過程賦能教練更有效地指導團隊達成共同目標,從而在個人和組織層面創造顯著價值。

在本課程中,我們將分享組織如何應用 Action Learning 來發展其人員並培養組織學習。您還將有機會體驗在 Action Learning 中應用團隊教練的實際果

Introduction to Action Learning

Event Details

Event Agenda

Why Action Learning



報名參加本課程,您將獲得 4 CCE 學分 (3CC/1RD)。深入了解行動學習,並獲得寶貴的 ICF CCE 學分,對於持續您作為專業教練的職業發展至關重要。這些學分有助於保持您的專業資格更新,並與行業標準保持一致。


參與並完成我們為期 4 小時的「行動學習導論」課程,您將有機會獲得 WIAL 官方頒發的證書。這份證書不僅是您學習成就的認可,也是您專業成長道路上的一個重要里程碑。



Dorothy Tsui, MALC, CPTD®, PCC

WIAL Authorized Faculty Member Course Instructor
Master Action Learning Coach, WIAL

Dorothy Tsui is a dedicated people and organization development consultant who partners with her clients in formulating solutions that build their organizational and leadership capacity to make positive strategic changes. She started her career in the retail catering and hospitality industry. She has a strong bond with service industries with hands-on experience in frontline operations, business, brand and people management. Her broad consultancy portfolio includes clients from international corporations in finance, retail, hospitality, real estate, manufacturing and IT, as well as government agencies, non-governmental organizations, not-for-profits, and educational institutions. Her clients include global brands such as HSBC, Bank of China, Hewlett-Packard, Disneyland, Heineken, Hyatt, Venetian, SWIFT, CBRE, Chanel, Burberry, VF Corporation, Jardine, MSD, World Vision and Oxfam.

Dorothy is fluent in English, Cantonese, and Mandarin and leads regional projects in Asia that engage diverse stakeholder groups from different cultures. Collaborating extensively with her partners around the globe, Dorothy works with the best people to support her clients to achieve their global agenda.

Founding the World Institute for Action Learning (Hong Kong) (WIAL-HK) in 2011, an official international affiliate of the World Institute for Action Learning (WIAL), Dorothy leads Action Learning projects to support organizations to enhance business performance, create learning culture, develop leaders and high potentials, build strong teams, and plot strategic plans. She is a WIAL Master Action Learning Coach and runs WIAL certification program to develop Action Learn Coaches.

Dorothy is the first Certified Professional in Talent Development (CPTD) of the Association for Talent Development (ATD) in Hong Kong. She was one of the designated facilitators of the ATD’s official preparation instructor-led workshop and has supported candidates in Asia to go through the certification process. She is an ICF Professional Certified Coach specialized in leadership, wellbeing and team coaching.

About WIAL (World Institute for Action Learning)

The World Institute for Action Learning (WIAL) 是一個致力於行動學習的成長和發展的國際組織。作為行動學習的主要認證機構,WIAL在全球範圍內提供專業培訓和認證計劃。

The World Institute for Action Learning (Hong Kong) ( 是 WIAL 的官方附屬機構,並且是在香港提供 WIAL 行動學習認證計劃的唯一代表。

香港專業教練 (HKPCC) 是此活動的協辦單位。

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