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Introduction to Action Learning (7-8/5/2024)

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加入我們的 “Introduction to Action Learning” 課程,掌握團隊引導、問題解決、創新思維和領袖成長等核心技能。此課程提供實際的行動學習體驗,專為提升專業教練、團隊領導者和企業決策者的競爭力而設。報名參加,開啟您在全球環境中優化組織和個人成效的旅程。

CALC14 Certification Program

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To get certified by WIAL, candidates are required to participate in the 4-day intensive workshop, arrange and conduct a minimum of 2 practice sessions on their own, contribute to the online learning forum of WIAL, and submit a reflection paper…