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WIAL Night

24 Jun 2022



  • 開會開了很久都毫無共識?
  • 討論了一大堆 ideas,但無法執行?
  • 大部份人都不讓意參與討論?
  • 討論只停留於表面,難以深入處理問題的核心?


Action Learning 的威力,在於藉著行動學習教練的有力提問,讓與會者從實際行動中不斷反思,培養敏銳覺察力和多角度創意思維,促進學習型組織文化建立,使個人、團隊和組織不斷成長並自我完善,從而更有效運作。

Event Details

  • Date: 24, Jun 2022
  • Time: 8:00pm – 10:30pm (UTC+8:00 HKT)
  • Language: Cantonese
  • Venue: Mongkok
  • Venue Fee: HKD $50
  • Inquiry: +852 9449 6128
  • Email:

About WIAL (World Institute for Action Learning)

The World Institute for Action Learning (WIAL) is an international organization dedicated to the growth and advancement of Action Learning. As the leading certifying body for Action Learning, WIAL provides professional training and certification programs all over the globe.

The World Institute for Action Learning (Hong Kong) ( is the official affiliate of the World Institute for Action Learning (WIAL) and the sole representative of offering WIAL Action Learning certification program in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong Professional Coach Collaboration (HKPCC) is the co-organizer of this event.

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